IRCTC AIR provides you detailed data on domestic and international flights, operated by all major carriers. On our website, you will see the flight schedule, length and other related data during a fraction of seconds. you'll also see the stopovers alongside the layover duration to assist plan your itinerary. we tend to also permit you to check the in-flight amenities, model of the aircraft, and therefore the number of window, aisle and middle seats available. This data is out there for all domestic carriers, also as leading international airlines.
Our easy interface permits you to look for flights to your destination and you'll even simply book low-cost air tickets with no problem. we show all the results on one page for you to match and create an informed decision. you will even refine your search by using special filters so you see only the relevant results. These filters are typically set for departure and time of arrival slots, flight length, sort of flight: non-stop or connecting, travel category and variety of layovers. we within allow you to fly within your preferred budget range by providing you with filter tools.